Scripture: Esther 3:8-9; 4:1-17
“And seek the peace of the city…and pray unto the Lord for it; for in the peace thereof shall ye have peace.” Jeremiah 29:7 (KJV)

Many Christians call themselves citizens of heaven. This may imply that they are strangers on earth and their home is heaven, therefore, they do not need to get involved in the happenings, events or affairs of their countries here on earth. The scriptures encourage believers otherwise.

The people of Israel were encouraged to pray for and seek the peace of the city they dwell in (Ps. 122:6; Jer. 29:7). Mordecai resorted to this game plan when his nation was under threat of destruction from the Persians. He led the nation to trust God in prayer and fasting. God intervened on their behalf and used Esther, the queen, to influence matters in the Jews’ favour (Esth. 7:3-6).

What is your reaction when you see the print and electronic media filled everyday with fearful happenings in and around the world? Do you cower in fear? As a believer, your hope is in God. You can help through your prayers; pray for your leaders to make godly decisions (1 Tim 2:2), pray that peace and God’s will must reign, and pray for the protection of God’s people. Never forget that God rules and steers the affairs of men, therefore, on your knees you can bring heaven on earth. The peace and welfare of your country lie in your hands.

Lord, may your will for my country stand in Jesus name, Amen.

We have godly leaders who fear and obey God.

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