Scripture: Joshua 5:13-6:5
“If ye be willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land” Isaiah 1:19 (KJV)

Joshua was about to undertake his first military campaign after he became leader of the people of Israel. Success would strengthen the faith and resolve for the people and make the task easier for Joshua. However, failure could lead to discouragement and rebellion from the people. He undoubtedly had his strategy well planned out but when he encountered the Lord, he surrendered to His authority (v14). God gave him a strategy that didn’t look plausible but Joshua obeyed. The end result was the capture and destruction of Jericho.

What do you do when you are in a difficult situation? Do you resort to human strength or divine wisdom? Sometimes, what God will have us do may seem unreasonable, but know that God is only seeking your obedience. He will work it out by His power. God says sow a seed when you are in need of money; give up your life so you may find it, speak to the mountain and it will be cast into the sea. God’s ways will sound unreasonable to an unregenerated mind, but the one who obeys will reap a resounding reward.

Are you at a crossroad in life? Seek God’s instruction. What has God asked you to do? Stop procrastinating. Step out in faith and move God into action. God watches over his word to fulfill it, and whatever He has promised you He will accomplish.

Lord, I prepare my heart and mind to obey your every command. Help me to remain faithful in Jesus name, Amen. 

I am in God’s sheepfold. I hear His voice and follow Him.

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