Scripture: James 1:2-15

 “But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth!” Revelation 3:16 (NLT)

Hesitation, procrastination and distractions are the outcomes of indecision. The Greek word for double-mindedness “dipsuchos”, literally translates as two-minded; that is someone being pulled in two different directions, constantly shifting between decisions. For this person it is impossible to ever steadily commit to anything. Such a man or woman is unstable emotionally, financially and spiritually.

You put your life on slow-motion when you are indecisive. You will hardly make or sustain meaningful progress with God and even with men as long as you are indecisive (James 1:7). It will reflect in your relationship, your work or business and most importantly in your faith. The bible describes anyone who remains in the valley of indecision as a fool (Proverbs 17:24).

Repent from every form of indecision in your life by declaring God’s spoken word concerning you. Finally, ask God for wisdom and direction daily and he will give you willingly (James 1:5). Make this necessary change in your life today and start enjoying a fresh dimension of favour and progress with men and ultimately with God.

PRAYER: Lord, give me the wisdom and direction to always take the right decisions and actions and to remain resolute in Jesus name.

FAITH BYTE: I am free from the spirit of indecision; I make the right decisions at the right time, and I take the right actions every time.

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